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I don't want grammars

Story/English 2019. 11. 10. 17:25

I didn't want grammars and I don't want grammars. 

When I was a student, I don't know why I had to interpreted for English from the rear word to the front word.

That's so stupid thing. 

So I gave up English that I have empty brain about the English.  ^^

However ,,, I had met the Arrow English which makes me change. 

Of course I'm not a native speaker.

Then, So What?



If you want to modify about my English for me, please write at hear. I'll have thank you for your check.

'Story > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Sunday. I have come studying room with my son.  (0) 2019.11.24
Posted by redev