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I have come studying room for the studying with my son.

He is studying for final testing in the middle school, 

I'm studying of Kotlin which I'll have taught programming language.

I think that he has been felt not bad about comming here with me.

When I was a little boy, My father didn't said all about the studying.

Just he loved to me. 

Yes, he always gave to me his love, I had grown up under the my father's love.


I'm some different the way for my son.

I think my father's way is much better

But I can't his way... He was great father and I'm not yet.


So.... I have been trying like him, Really I'll be.


'Story > English' 카테고리의 다른 글

I don't want grammars  (0) 2019.11.10
Posted by redev